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KEVAN: I am proud of every artist that I produce or help
To more I confront myself with the real world, the more I know that that’s my role on this planet.

Lyudmila Fedorova: All limitations are only in your head
I've always considered myself incompetent. Self-esteem has increased, creative thinking has developed, and life has become a pleasure.

Jacopo Peloso: Believe in your self, believe in your own style and in what you really want to do
I graduated as a photographer in 2013, and since then I have started experimenting and creating mainly personal projects.

Christopher March: Photography has taught me to really slow down and analyze everything
Don’t follow the pack! Do what you want and master it. You need more than social media to get many jobs out there.

Kendra Crockett: Anything is possible in this life
You already have all the answers inside of you; for the person you want to be, what you want out of life, etc..

Nienke Jansz: I am very hardworking and I don’t give up easily
Exclusive Interview with Nienke.This is a natural lighting beauty shot done in London by Ian hooton photography and Dutch model Nienke Jansz

Ekaterina Mayurchenko: My whole life is connected with creativity.
A person can resist nature, and can live with it in harmony.Be inspired by it. Enjoy its colors, landscapes, or such little things as plants

Mandela Castaneda: My vision defiantly has changed and constantly drawing up new concepts
Hello my name is Mandela Castaneda. I was born and raised in Oakland, CA. I'm currently doing photography Full-Time.

Diego A. MartÃnez: Few people believe in you and those people are the ones you have to value
"Never give up" is a heavy industry and you will run into bad people but that is just an obstacle.

Jeyca Arce: I just look at them to realize I have come a long way
When I started getting multiple jobs related to content creation and made me decide to be a creative person professionally

Gina Ginali: I like to create beauty with my own hands
The message behind the faceless sculpture is basically say imagine the beauty behind the mask

Viktoria Antonova: My goal is to show how beautiful people are
For me photography is a way of communicating with the world, a way to show how I see the person I shoot pictures of.

Iryna Neveza: Don’t forget to be happy and to smile because it influences your look
Undoubtedly, a MUA makes a photo look much better because due to good make-up a face looks more voluminous.

Justina Biosah: Being able to film a movie is something that I will cherish for ever.
It’s a very tough industry and things don’t happen over night or that often. Stay motivated, stay ambitious and keep chasing your dream.

Voronina Elena: Sometimes I like to try new things or colors, but I mostly have my own style.
The hardest part of my life is the decision to move to another country. It was a time when my regular life changed.
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