When did your passion for photography start and what were the main milestones that turned you into the artist you currently are?
Well, it had been started when I was young, I think 17 or so. My ex-boyfriend was a photographer and he started taking pictures of me. So I became a kind of model since that time (and I am still in that). And during that period I had some interest in the process of capturing, and from time to time I've made some pictures for fun. But the true passion came some years ago when I've got my first camera as a present for my beloved husband. I've started shoot everything I see, but a bit of time later it has become more than a hobby. I had combined photography with the job (I was a travel agent), and thanks Covid I've lost my job a year ago, and now I am totally in photography. That's the best present from Universe :) And the most interesting things came to my life after passing the fashion photography course of Alena Nikiforova at Whitephotoschool last November.

How has photography influenced you as a person and what do you love most about being a photographer?
Photography for me is the way to show someone in the new light, new image, through my vision of beauty I can show how beautiful some person could be, to show how beautiful the moment could be, to show expression of the power or the tenderness of the object I capture. What do I love most about being a photographer is some kind of reincarnation, when you give the person a new outfit, new make-up, and hairdresser, and the person loves it, the person can be himself and someone else at the same time. Like I am capturing an alive art masterpiece. I get so much inspiration from this! Some moments during the shooting are breathtaking.
What would be your tips/advice to models looking to expand their portfolio?
To be brave to write to photographers and propose ideas. I think, the more interesting the idea you offer, the more chances you have to work with a cool team. Don't be afraid to get refuses. Someone one day will agree.
What would be some tips you would give to a beginning photographer?
Shoot everything to understand what you like more. Find your own direction and show those your pictures which you like most. Don't show weddings and children if it's not your passion, but just because people pay well for that. People buy what they see. So show the best of yours. And for sure find time to take pictures for your soul. Сreative shootings are what ignites you.
Can you please explain some of the feelings you are trying to achieve in your photographs?
Mostly it's the beauty of the moment. It's all about beauty I think. Even if I take some darkness from the deep of my soul to show some pain, I'll show the beauty of that pain. Even if I put my model in the puddle of mud, on my shots she will be the Queen of dirt. Disgusting but gorgeous at the same time.

You are going about conducting a photoshoot, could you take us through the typical planning process for your images?
It can start from random inspiration pictures on the internet or some abstract imagination in my head. Then I need to find some images reflecting my idea, following my explanations for my team. When they are interested, the next step is making a full mood board - with finding references, location, model, make-up and blah blah blah, and all further organizing.
What has been your most successful moment to date in your career so far?
The day I've captured the fashion-collection for designer. And every day I've seen my photos on the new covers. For that moment I have 3 covers since February when I started my friendship with Kavyar and magazines.
What's the most important thing you want your potential clients to know about you?
I always ready to help with any questions. And what can't be physically removed while shooting, it can be removed at Photoshop in 90% оccasions :) Most of my clients say I am easy and comfortable to work with.
Are there any current projects you’re working on that you can tell us about?
I have two projects on postproduction. One is about glitter and sparkles, and the other is inspired by waved shapes. Also, I need to make some mood boards for new shootings and work on new collaborations with designers.
Where can our readers keep up with your work and get connected with you?
I am mostly available on instagram @lyubovbelyavtseva . Also if you would like to watch my works in good quality, then welcome on my website belyavtseva.com.
Thank you for the interview! Wish your magazine become famous worldwide, get more readers and more cool submissions from photographers. Stay cool!