How long have you been a model and how did you get your start in the industry?
I have been modeling for 5 years. I started off with small photoshoots doing collaborations with local creatives such as photographers, make up artist and stylist. Once I became comfortable in front of the camera I decided to start submitting and attending to casting calls which landed me moving to Los Angeles to fulfill my dreams.
Has your perception of the modeling industry changed over time?
My perception of the modeling industry has definitely changed over time. Growing up the industry required you to be a certain size and have a certain look. The look they wanted was 5'10 and above for women who were incredibly skinny with straight hair and often a lighter complexion. The industry has now expanded to find the beauty in every individual short or tall, thick or skinny and now natural big hair or curly is highly embraced. Companies actually look for more melanated skin types with imperfections such as freckles, gaps and more. I absolutely love where the industry is evolving to.

At what point did you realize that you wanted to be a creative person professionally?
Honestly from the time I was 6 years old I knew I wanted to be a model but by the time I got to college I took one dreams of being a stylist and fashion designer which ended up prolonging my first desire of being a model.
How did you get through hard times in your career?
Every time I crossed a hard path in my career I literally had to wipe my face and remind myself what my personal mission was and that if one person/company denied my submission of a casting or application that there is someone or some brand out there better for me. The support of family, friends and spouse was always appreciated because they encouraged me to also get back up and try again.
Do you feel like you have a pretty good idea of who you are at this point in your career?
I feel like I know exactly who I am at this point in my career and life and because of that I am constantly growing everyday into the woman I was destined to be.
As a model, can you tell us what are the basic modeling rules everyone must follow to have a beautiful pose?
As a model the best thing you can do for you and your success is to find what works for you and only you. The best thing any model can do even if they are naturally pretty or naturally photogenic is to practice your poses every day in a mirror for 20 minutes. This allows you to focus on what facial expressions work for you and how best to move your body. Constantly move your body in photoshoots.

Have you ever been camera shy?
I am not camera shy but I am very shy walking in crowds or on the runway.
What values do you hope to pass onto your children?
The values I hope to pass on to my children the most are to be kind, use your voice to be heard and go after what you desire and to walk the path that only feel is your calling.
Do you think any of your children would follow in your career footsteps? And would you want them to?
I am pregnant with my first baby which happens to be a girl so aka a mini me lol. I am very creative and eccentric so I am sure my child will gravitate toward a creative field but I will raise her with many skills so she has the option of taking whatever path she wants while having my 100% support of each step of the way.
Describe your perfect day off when you are not modeling?
When not modeling, my perfect day off consists of brunching with my gal pals then going out for some retail therapy, spending time with my boyfriend on one of our crazy outdoor adventures and settling down at night to watch movies with my family.
Where can our readers keep up with your work and get connected with you?
To keep up with my past and future work, readers can follow my on my instagram @juniorrose_ and subscribe to my new YouTube channel ' Junior Rose' which is about Fashion, Beauty and the adventures of Motherhood.