This is a natural lighting beauty shot done in London by Ian hooton photography and Dutch model Nienke Jansz

Nienke, can you please briefly introduce yourself. How your interest in the modeling industry has sparked?
My name is Nienke Jansz, born and raised in a small town called Zeist in the Netherlands. I’ve been a big music lover my whole life, and I ended up studying music (vocals) at the Dutch pop Academic. I’ve always watched shows such as holland next top model and since I’m 14 I’ve tried to apply for the show many times. I always got rejected. Then in the last year of my study I decided to apply to agencies again, after many no’s, an agency said yes! I graduated and traveled to Milan, Istanbul and London where I ended up staying!
Tell us about your debut as a model. Did it come naturally to you or was it a challenge/learning curve? What characteristics do you think have made you so successful? What advice could you offer?
It definitely didn’t come naturally, I wasn’t scouted. I applied many times and I didn’t give up on it. When I moved to London I didn’t have an agency there, it took me months to find one because my book wasn’t very strong yet. It was hard, but I didn’t give up. Then when I finally found an agency that was the right fit I started working 4 times a week. Now I have 9 agencies world wide.
I think what made me successful is that I am very hardworking and I don’t give up easily. Besides that I always try to grow as a model by doing updating my portfolio, making connections and so on. On set, I’m always kind and funny, I try to make everyone enjoy the day as much as possible.
My advice would be if you want it, work for it! Don’t wait for people to come to you or do the job for you, it’s really in your hands!

Has your perception of the modeling industry changed over time?
It definitely has. My first modeling trip was to Milan. I was very skinny because before coming to Milan they had asked me to loose centimeters around my hips. When I had my first job there, the client called me “too big” on set. Luckily I have quite thick skin, but I can imagine this being harmful for a young model to hear. From that moment I said, I don’t want to do high fashion modeling, I will focus more on the commercial side of it. When I moved to London it was mainly for this reason, London is much more commercial and it has jobs for everyone no matter the height or the weight. It’s fun on set and enjoyable! However I do notice a change in the industry, but it’s still not where we are supposed to be.
If you could go back to the past, is there anything you would change?
There’s nothing I would change, because it got me where I am today!

Do you feel like you have a pretty good idea of who you are at this point in your career?
I think so, I work with agencies that love me for me and that understand me. I think it’s important to find the right fit. You can be with a big agency but it might not work for you as it works for others. I have goals I’m working towards and my agencies are aware and help me get there.
How did you get through hard times in your career?
Definitely my family and my boyfriend. My family has been SO supportive since day 1, I couldn’t have done any of it without them. They have been by my side through it all.
How do you stay fit and healthy? What is your exercise and diet regimen like?
I have been active my whole life, growing up I played field hockey and ballet. Now, I am in the gym 5 times a week. I do mostly weight training and hiit to stay in the best shape I can be in.
I eat mostly a healthy diet to nourish my body but if i crave something I won’t restrict myself.
Describe your perfect day off when you are not modeling?
I would love to wake up around 09:00, eat a healthy breakfast and go to the gym. Then given that I am in Cape Town at the moment I would go to the beach, read a book and take a swim. Have lunch with a friend and make some photo’s for Instagram. Come home, cook dinner and watch a good movie on Netflix.
What has been the highlight of your career so far and what are your hopes/dreams for the future?
My highlight has been to travel for work. I think this has been a dream of mine since the start and to see it all happening, sometimes I still can’t believe it. One of my dreams would be to work For Sports illustrated Swimsuit, and to move to the US.
Where can our readers keep up with your work and get connected with you?
Mostly my Instagram. @nienkejansz
I post quite a lot and love to interact with my followers.