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Can you tell us more about your journey in becoming a model after your first profession as a doctor?

It so happened that I knew from childhood that I would be a doctor.My medical education lasted 8.5 years and during this time I took a lot of photos for my social networks and realized that I feel free in front of the camera and I really like the shooting process.In addition, many friends and relatives always said that I should model, since I was thin and tall.But also, since childhood, I grew up on glossy magazines that my mother bought every month.It was my big dream to get on the pages of fashion publications.And the motto of my life is: "Dreams must come true!"And one evening I realized that when I'm 60 or 70 years old, I might regret that I didn't try myself in this role and decided that when, if not now!

How has your background in medicine influenced your approach to modeling, if at all?

The first thing I understood was that in order to know for sure whether a job is right for you or not, you don't need to think for a long time, but just go and try. And so in everything in life.

For example, when I was studying, I thought that work in emergency care did not suit me at all, but when I went there for practice, I realized that this is the direction in medicine that suits me perfectly. According to the same principle, I went into modeling - to try it really suits me. And of course, medicine taught me to be very responsible and disciplined, and after those challenges that were during my work as a doctor, I understand that I'm not afraid of anything anymore and I'm ready for anything.

What do you hope to achieve with your modeling career, and how does it tie into your mission to help people?

In my modeling career, I really want people to show interest not only in my appearance, but primarily in the problems I am concerned about.

How do you balance your work as a model with your other interests and passions?

At the moment, modeling is my biggest passion - that's why everything is easy. I also really like to travel - which is also perfectly combined with the work of a model, because you have to travel all the time for shooting.I also love sports, taking care of myself and leading a healthy lifestyle - and these are also components of modeling - so everything is simple for me.

Can you talk about a particularly challenging moment you've faced in your career, and how you overcame it?

A particularly difficult moment in my career is the beginning of a full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, a black day for all Ukrainians. I was in an absolute stupor and depression for 2 months, and of course then I didn't want to do anything at all, especially modeling.

How did I overcome it... the most interesting thing is that this overcoming continues every day until now, because the war is not over yet... Every day, reading terrible news, my hands go down and grief overwhelms me. Therefore, starting from May and now every day, I’lI just pick myself up, because I understand that this is the only way I can help others. If I don't do anything, it won't make anyone better. And the most important thing is that Ukrainians never give up and fight to the end, no matter how hard it is... it's in our blood!

What do you consider to be your signature look or style as a model?

My signature look- is me wearing heels. Even as a student, I didn’t have a pair of low-heeled shoes. I adore beautiful shoes and I adore high heels. This is another plus of working as a model, since working as a doctor I had to say goodbye to heels and it was really sad for me.

How do you prepare mentally and physically for a photo shoot or runway show?

Morally, I don't prepare for a photo shoot or show - as much as I love this business, I'm always ready)) Physically - it's intense sports, different face masks, the night before it's a bath with foam and aromatic oils and enough sleep.

Immediately in the morning - it's breakfast and coffee. And I'm 100% ready.

How do you collaborate with photographers and creative teams to bring a concept to life in your modeling work?

The first place where I look for a team for shooting is Instagram. I look by hashtags and geolocation. Then I go to the page and look at the portfolio. If I like the work, we write, discuss the shooting, prepare, and on a certain day we meet and the most interesting begins - shooting. By the way, I love Backstage most of all on every shooting. It's so interesting how the creation process itself takes place.

How do you prioritize self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance in the modeling industry?

In reality, it is difficult to keep a balance, because everyone knows that in order to be successful in anything, the first thing you need to give is your time. I always try to pay equal attention to both:work and personal life, and so far I succeed, but the more work, the more difficult it is to maintain this balance. We agreed that for the next 2-3 years my priority will be work, but overall my priority will always be my family, because there is a simple truth - when you are sick or feel bad - your family will hold your hand, and not your job.

Can you share any advice for aspiring models, especially those facing challenges or adversity?

Oh, this is my favorite. Since difficulties are an integral part of any path. Therefore, my advice is to never give up and go to your goal. You can fall 100 times - and it will only mean one thing - you will have to 100 times get up and keep moving forward if you really want to achieve what you want. Do not listen to anyone, but listen only to your heart. And be yourself, do not copy others - everyone is special and everyone has their own path. Compete with yourself, improve every day so that every day you become a little better than you were yesterday. Just believe in yourself and do everything that depends on you to achieve your goal. And if this is really your path, then the universe itself will help you too.

What is your favorite memory or moment from your time as a model so far?

My favorite memory is when I was reviewing my first publication in a magazine. Such an incredible feeling! I was very worried, it was an exciting moment - when you realize that another big dream has come true.

How do you use your platform as a model to raise awareness or advocate for causes that are important to you?

It so happened that the voice of a famous person, his opinion can significantly influence a certain target audience. A famous person turns out to be much more effective than others in propaganda and fundraising for various purposes. As a model, interest in me has increased, a large audience has appeared, so through my social networks I share the questions that concern me with a large number of people. The Internet is a great power!

Can you talk about a project or campaign that you're particularly proud of, and why it stands out to you?

To be honest, I am proud of each of my projects, as an incredible amount of effort, time and energy was invested in each one. On each project, I meet incredibly wonderful and talented people. Each project gives incredible results and my sincere delight - when I look at the photos - sometimes I can't even believe my eyes that it's me in the photo.

Looking ahead, what are your goals and aspirations for your modeling career, and how do you plan to continue making a positive impact on the world around you?

My goal is a campaign for Dior and Chanel, covers of famous magazines, including Malvie and participation in the Victoria's Secret fashion show, yesterday I read in the news that after a four-year break it will be restored.

In parallel

- this is constant work in the direction of helping people who have suffered from the war, especially children! The second direction is the protection of homeless animals in Ukraine. 3) Creation of children's playgrounds in every village of my district, and eventually the region in which I lived. I also want to start creating circles for children in rural areas, because they are really lacking there. And in time, I would really like to become a UN goodwill ambassador.

Model: Olga Kusmuk @olgakusmuk

Photographer: Diana Undercover

Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Olga Kuznetsova @kuznecova_ola



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