Photographer: John Ciambrone
Model: Model: Snezana Pisar @Sneza___
Fashion Designer: Swimwear: @Marebluswim
Hair Stylist: Hairstylist: Dana Welch @Danawelchhair
Makeup Artist: Makeup Artist: Brooke Fischer @Glamourgroupie
Assistant: Photo Assistant: Alex Putnik @Adastra73
Snezana, how did you get involved with modeling? Where are you based now?
I was frequently asked if I model by strangers. One day I met a girl, she said she’s a photographer and she asked me to come to her studio to do a photoshoot, so I decided to give it a try and I fell in love with being in front of the camera ever since. We’re really good friends now. I’m currently based in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Tell us more about yourself. What else do you do next to modeling?
I love a lot of different things. I workout 3-4 times a week, work on my craft, produce social media content, read a good book, play volleyball, work on personal development/ mindset and spend good quality time with like minded people.
What do you love most about being a model? And, what do you least enjoy?
I love that it gives me opportunity to meet so many amazing people! I met people from different industries through modeling and I’m really good friends with some of them which I’m forever grateful for. What I least enjoy is waiting for a very long time at fashion shows. Preparation can take hours.
Who is someone you feel has really influenced you? Why?
My mom. She influenced me in a way to work hard for what I wanted. In modeling industry, I’d say I admire Coco Rocha because I had a chance to talk to her and despite all her success, she’s the sweetest most humble person.

What fuels your imagination and provides you with inspiration?
My imagination is fueled by meditation. I love to visualize myself achieving my goals as if they’ve already happened.
As far as inspiration, I think that inspiration doesn’t last for too long. We’re not always gonna feel like doing things we should do. Discipline is what it takes in order to achieve any success.
Share your wildest photo shoot/modeling story.
There is multiple but the craziest was probably when I had to get in the freezing cold pool in February in Las Vegas.
What are your achievements you are proud of most today?
Moving across the world by myself and starting a completely new life from scratch.
What would be your advice to models on getting more followers/attention on social media?
Be yourself. We all have ups and downs but tend to show only the best moments of our life. Document your life because that’s how people are going to relate to you. Models are humans too.
What is your advice for people to be happier, healthier, and more full of love?
Try to be active because emotion comes from motion. If you take care of your body, you’ll feel better. Meditate and get in tune with your higher self. And lastly, treat people as you’d wish to be treated.
What projects are you working on next, and what are your goals for the future?
I’m currently working on expanding more in the US (LA and NYC) because most of my work is currently in Florida. My goals are to walk runways in Paris and Milan for some of my favourite fashion designers such as Prada, Versace etc.
Where can we see more of your works and get connected with you?
On my Instagram: sneza___